Gahara School Building Campaign

Gahara School Building Campaign

(Building a School for Grades 4-6 in Gahara)

Bibleway Baptist in Gahara, Africa is partnering with Come Away Missions to build a school! Some local materials have already been gathered—sand, brick, crushed stone to make pillars, stone for the foundation, and the land for building on.  

The new school will have 6 classrooms total for fourth through sixth graders. Bible studies will be hosted here and Come Away Mission’s child sponsorship program will use the school for activities and parent/guardian meetings. The current school building educates 80 children in nursery through third grade. Children who wish to attend grades 4 and up are sent to other areas for schooling.

Friends and family, please consider giving to this fundraiser! Help us finish building this school for Gahara! Your gift will be an investment into the lives of current and future sponsored children. Our goal is to meet the Rwandan government’s requirements for a full 6 year primary school program.

This fundraiser will provide steel bars for columns, cement bags, iron sheets for roof, and funds to pay for labor.

Our team is ready to start building as soon as materials arrive!